The course follows a comprehensive, advanced and diabetic nursing foot care curriculum. This curriculum is based on current best practice guidelines and evidence-based practice, including the Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses’ National Competencies for Advanced Nursing Foot Care in Canada (2017). Students are expected to complete online quizzes and view pre-recorded slide presentations from their work/home computer.
Tuition is $900 payable to Foot Canada. More information can be found at
The Onsite Foot Care Nurse Clinical Course is a 42 hour mentorship and clinical course for nurses who have successfully completed the Online Foot Care Nurse Theory course and are ready to practice their Foot Care Nurse skills onsite with the guidance and supervision of a Foot Care Nurse Educator. The course uses the Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses’ National Competencies for Advanced Nursing Foot Care in Canada (2017) as Clinical Performance Standards and teaches a comprehensive, advanced and diabetic nursing foot care curriculum, which follows current best practice guidelines and evidence-based practice. This includes teaching and practice with autoclave and podiatry drills. All instruments provided for course ( sterilized to point of use)
The curriculum for FCN Clinical was developed by Foot Canada Training and is taught by Foot Care Nurse Educators.